Thursday 21 May 2015

A lot of water passes under the bridge.

Over the past year and a bit I've been worrying over an issue in my life right much so that sometimes it paralyses me with fear and doing what I think is the right thing is maybe causing more damage right now  than doing what I think may not be ideal and just letting it run.

What can I say, by nature I'm a worrier who wants to tuck 'issues' into little boxes with bows on them and put them in a cupboard for another day to look at and admire how pretty the boxes and bows are.

The thing is this issue could be good, it could be really good.Yet the negatives that could be are what draws me back ...

I had forgotten until the last couple of days but a few years back I was talking with someone  about a decision that she had made 50+ years ago, I was curious at the time and asked if she regretted the decision, she replied simple...

'a lot of water had passed under the bridge since then'.

At the time that issue for her was huge but now it is not, it's just a chapter of her life that now she is neutral on.

Maybe I just need to breathe it out and let go and in the future my issue will just seem like water under the bridge for me as well?

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